
Revivals Begin With Prayer

This website is about revival. It’s the responsibility of believers to make it happen. The onus is not on the wicked to repent, but on God’s own people, those of us who are called by his name!

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

America needs revival. It’s not coming from the politicians or the celebrities. It’s coming from you and me praying! And this book will teach us all how! Written by a pastor who’s with the Lord now shining like the sun in the kingdom of his father. The word he left us on prayer is Awesome! Every believer ought to read it!

Over the last 25 years as a prayer team minister I’ve seen countless prayers answered, miracles, healings and conversions which are a miracle. Whenever someone is born again it’s the same as being raised from the the dead! We pass from death to life!

I used to say prayer is everything… but a brother corrected me one day and said prayer is the beginning of everything. And he was right. Every revival we’ve ever seen came as a result of God’s people committed to praying for revival. Revivals are born in prayer meetings. Will you join us with your commitment to pray for revival?

Revivals consist of prayer. Ten Minutes More is all about prayer.

We need to pray now more than ever…
We know we don’t do it enough.
It should be easy.
It’s just talking to God, right?
But why don’t we do more of it?
Why do we suddenly not know what we’re supposed to do when we start to pray?
Why do we, like the disciples, want somebody to teach us how to pray?
In this little book, Todd Rawlings explains how we pray, why we pray, and how we can pray more.

Ten Minutes More: A Guide to Daily Prayer

If we all just prayed ten minutes more, could it really change the world?